10 November 2010

Richwell's Kidz Kraze 2010 is HERE!!

mark your calendars everyone 'coz the biggest and best toys sale is back!!

whew, i can't wait for friday to come.  i have to start making a list so as not to go overboard.  trust me.  make a list 'coz when you're there and you don't have any idea of what you want to buy, man!  you'll be out of budget after just 10 mins of shopping.  there are tons of buy -- barbie clothes, chicco shoes, safety 1st and pigeon baby items, and a lot lot more.  but if you have a deep pocket, forget the list and shop to death, hoorah!

November 12-13, 19-20, 26-28
December 3-4, 10-12, 19-22
Creative Trade Center
No.6 Industria St., Bagumbayan
Quezon City (behind Nuvo City)

9:00am to 6:00pm Saturdays and Sundays
1:00 pm to 6:00pm Weekdays & Fridays

CASH basis only.

brands on sale:
Barbie, Polly Pocket, Dora, Arts & Crafts, Beados, RoseArt, Fruit Factory, HotWheels, Matchbox, Bakugan, TechDeck, Battle Strikers, Spongebob, McFarlane, Vtech, Megabloks, Shelcore, Leapfrog, Baby Einstein, Kids II, K’s Kids, Noddy, Disney, Step2, Pigeon, Safety1st, Chicco, Babisil, Webkinz, Russ, First Act Music, Games, StarKidz, and a lot more...

you can check this old ad of theirs for the map.  it still applies.

from C5 (libis, quezon city area, northbound side) turn right at Nuvo City (this is a real estate development right after shopwise and club 650).  creative trade center is right after Nuvo City (right side).  you won't miss it as there's usually a big banner at the gate and a long line of cars parked outside.  skyblue gate color (unless they recently repainted, 'hope not).

1.  have a list, if you're on a budget. 
2.  wear light clothes coz it can get hot and humid inside.  it's a big old warehouse full of shoppers so just imagine how hot it could get especially in the afternoon.
3.  if you can help it, DON'T bring kids.  don't get me wrong.  i love kids.  i even have one.  but kids can slow you down especially if you have a long list of items to buy. 
4.  bring enough cash.  i am not sure if they accept credit cards, but it pays to have enough cash just in case something happens to your card or something. 
5.  it's best to come with your husband, brother or any companion who can line up for you while you're shopping.  the lines to the cash registers can get VERY long so it would help if someone can assist you.  you'll need those strong arms later to help carry everything you bought.
6.  go early.  if you can afford it, go on a friday to avoid the weekend rush of shoppers.
7.  bring candies, water and towelette. 
8.  i love shopping on the last day.  prices go down as i'm shopping hehe.

have fun!

i was there on the 1st day (nov 12) at 1:10pm.  'so surprised to see that the warehouse was already packed with shoppers even at this time.  it was hotter inside compared to last year's.  i hope the organizers install more fans and evap coolers next week.

like the previous years, shoes and slippers are bagsak presyo!  the ollie wedge shoes i got for my niece only cost me P150.  what a steal!  on my next visit, i plan to get a pair of open shoes for my son.  they replenish their stocks almost everyday so there's always a lot to choose from for all shoppers.

most branded items are 20% off like vtech, barbie toys, mega blocks, safety 1st, pigeon and hotwheels.  i saw a lot of leapfrog items with big discounts.  so for those who are into leapfrog, better go there asap.

although they have three cashiers (CASH ONLY, per their confirmation), there's only one line going inside the cashiers' area.  so expect a very, very long and winding line.  as i've mentioned in tip #5, it's best to bring a companion who will line up for you while you're filling your shopping bag.

tip:  everytime something catches your fancy, get it immediately and drop inside your shopping bag.  someone might grab it if you pause to think.  remember, there's always a lot of shoppers and you all have similar objectives.  so it pays to have quick eyes, and hands.  don't worry, you'll have lots of time to sort your goods once you line up to the cashier.  

here are some photos i took during my visit so you can have an idea of what to expect:

  happy shopping!

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